A very dear friend of the family is battling breast cancer and is losing her hair, quickly. She went out today with my mom looking for a place where she can purchase a blonde wig but didn't have much luck.
Does anyone have a suggestion?? (We know you can buy wigs through the PMH, but is there anywhere else - that won't cost a small fortune)?
Your suggestions are greatly appreciated -- we live in Scarborough, so anywhere in the surrounding area would be great.
Hi There is a store in Newmarket Changes Boutique that sells wigs and other cancer products. The number is 905 853 4673. You can find them online to get more info or she might be able to let you know of a store closer to you. Good Luck
My mom got her wig from her hair dresser. Maybe she could check with her hair dresser and see if they have any. Some of the salons that cater to more senior clients have them. Good luck, hopefully she finds one. I know my mom barely wears hers but always has her scarf/scrub cap on as she finds the wig a little too warm and uncomfortable. Also if she already hasn't attended a look good, feel good session....she should. It was great.