This is my second year walking. I have had a pretty rough yr. I am walking with my mom who has reached her goal. My issue now is that i have 16 days to raise approx $1500 does anyone have any advice?
My friend and I are also having issues raising money. I have a couple of ideas if you are interested.
We called No Frills and have a tag day this weekend. They are an independent grocer so they make the decision right away.
We are also having a silent auction. I am holding a garage sale and have baskets made up with things in it for a silent auction. So when people are there they can donate either by buying something from the garage sale, silent auction or just giving change.
If you work for a company, do the change bucket. Go around (or send an email) asking for spare change. I am doing this as well at my work.
As well, I am having a bake sale at work to raise money. Every little amount helps.
There are so many good ideas out there. If you need any more ideas check out more ideas on the forum pages.
This is my 1st year, it is harder to raise money than I thought but with the same perserverance that our afflicted sisters have WE CAN DO IT !!!
Call or better go to grocery stores and Walmart and tell them how short you are and rember to take your letter with you. Tag days can be done any day of the week not just weekends. If you have help stay at the store as long as you can. Good luck
I finally resorted to self pledge and then sent an email to all my email contacts letting them know what that meant. In the two days since I have gone from 32% to 55%, no one is more surprised than I!
I am hopeful now that I can get it done without more of my own dollars. Just a thought...chok dii kha
Last year I was in your exact position with my fundraising for the Ride to Conquer Cancer. I had let myself get so busy with work that I just keep procrastinating about getting my fundraising done, and there I was with this huge amount to raise.
My main fundraiser was a targetted email campaign. I wrote a different email for each group of people that I knew (church friends, work contacts, people I know through my children, horticulture club friends, etc.). Then, I made sure to address each one to the recipient by name. I made it clear that I was committed to doing the ride, and that I truly needed their help to reach my fundraising commitment.
One thing that worked especially well for me was offering to take pledges from people that I would collect later. I figured I was going to self-pledge anyway, so if I had trouble later collecting on any of those pledges, it would be the same as if I had simply donated the money myself. I would take the pledge (by email, or in person), and then put through the donation on my own credit card with all of my friend's information so that they would get the tax receipt in their email. This works especially well with people who don't trust using their credit card online. I did that again this year, and I think I am down to just $30 left to collect (from over $1000 in pledges in total). They know that you gave the money on their behalf (because of the email), so I found most people were eager to give me the cash the next time they saw me.
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011
Don't give up!!! Often people that have raised extra $$'s bring them to the first morning to help out those that are near to their goal. As well, if you are still short - you can self pledge, as was mentioned earlier - which allows you the opportunity to collect for a time after the walk - if you need to - you could perhaps switch to a one day walker?? the fundraising minimum is a little lower I beleive. Good luck!! You can do it!