I participated in the RTCC for the third year (as a rider on the 200KM route). It was a wonderful experience! My team was the one wearing the massive yellow starfish (actually bath toys) on the back of our helmets. It took some convincing to get our "serious riders" on board with the whole mascot wearning concept, but I think every year we are seeing more "theme" activity creaping into the Ride... we will have them as campy as the Weekend participants yet ;)
Kudos to all the RTCC Crew and Volunteers for their hard work and the long hours that they poured into making it such a great experience! It was my experience with the RTCC that got me involved with crewing for the Weekend... they are both such wonderful events :)
Now I am waiting patiently to see what my Crew assignment will be for the weekend... I submitted my online form a couple of weeks ago... anyone know when we are going to get our assignments?
-- Edited by CarolynCL on Thursday 17th of June 2010 05:09:36 PM
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011
The people who do the Ride also put on the Walk and I was just in the office yesterday and they're still wrapping some things up from the Ride. Give them a bit. I know with the Ride, I didn't know what I was doing (crew) until two months before the Ride event.
I got an emAil from the crew coach this week saying crew assignments for the walk should be out in about a week or so - I only found out about the online selection form at the ride from a crew team mate from last year....thank goodness she said something or we would never had known about it. I guess with all our Fundraising and getting ready for the ride I had not logged onto the walk site for a couple of weeks - seems strange that we did not get an email letting us know! Oh well, looking forward to crewing the walk - let's hope it is dryer then the ride!
SSM - 2006, 2007, 2008 Walker & 2009, 2010, 2011 Crew Member for Team Going for Bust and 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 Rider for Team Sprockets
Ashley... thanks... I figured as much... I will continue to wait patiently
SSM... I am totally with you on that... I had no idea they were doing the Crew signups online this year. I was 100% focused on the Ride and doing my fundraising for that. It was an email from my Walk team leader (I'm with the Trade Secrets team) that prompted me to take a look at the Walk website to see if there was any Crew related news. It was then that I stumbled on the Crew signups... ugh... I have no idea how long that had been up before I found it. I was told they do the team assignments on a first come, first served basis, so I am probably too late to get assigned to my #1 choice (again) but I'm still hopeful...
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011
Last year I was on Camp Conseirge, so after we helped take down all the little blue tents, I was released from duty so that I could take my bike and ride the route (I had the Crew chief Natalia's permission to do that). One of the crew team leads gave me a copy of the route turn instructions from the master book, which was much needed, as the very efficient signage removal team had already taken down a lot of the signs. So between that and the pink feathers on the road (they make awesome breadcrumbs... ) I finally caught up with he last of the walkers shortly after the second pit stop.
I had a great time performing my unofficial role of "cheerleader on a bike"... I was the crazy girl with the Winnie-the-Pooh backpack on... I had him all decked out with cheering bells and pom-poms... if I bounced up and down on my bike seat just right he would shake the pom poms and ring the bells. I actually ended up in quite a few photos last year... some at the lunch stop with Winnie... and then there were the photos from the Bra Contest (our Crew team had an entry)... it was such a great weekend!
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011
I did motosafety for the first time in June for the R2CC - on the 300km route and it was very different than the weekend (and got talked into it by the moto team from the weekend LOL) I have to say it was amazing and I will sign up again for next year - i missed doing it as i never really got to "camp" and the closing was so crowded us bikers stayed down the street till the end then did a ride by LOL -
we didnt decorate our bikes or anything tho - and there was definately no mohawk helmet for that event - could not wear it for that kind of riding LOL - its way too heavy!!!! I am currently working on pinkbike version 4.0 for this year.....guess we will have to wait and see what i can come up with LOL!!!
That's so awesome! I the motosafety team... you guys do such a good job of taking care of all of the intersections on the route. You had such great coverage this year too... it was pretty rare to come upon an unmanned intersection(and those were the really safe/simple ones). It really makes such a huge difference for the Riders. It's amazing how long you can get stuck at a busy crossing trying to make a left turn when you are doing a training ride... it is blyss to be so well taken care of on the event weekend
Four or five people from my RTCC team (IBM/OCI) did the 200 mile route. If you saw anyone wearing a yellow starfish bath toy attached to the back of their helmet, then that was one of my teammates... that's assuming they didn't remove it as soon as they were out of range of their kookier 200km teammates that decided "helmet decorations" were a "must" this year I was the chief instigator there, as I admired some of the inventions other teams had from the previous year which included Tim Horton's coffee cups, golf balls of various colours, flowers, and pink helmet skins, to name a few. It sure helps you identify your team mates at a distance (tough to do otherwise, with 95% of the people wearing the same cycling jerseys)... and it almost guarantees an official picture or two! After much debate over choices... our serious male bikers (the majority on the team) ruled that it couldn't be "girly", "pink", "flowery" or "feathery"... and there was a lot of concern over wind resistance (which ruled out placement at the top of the helmet), our team co-captain made her selection. She brought them to us at the start, so no one had a chance to "forget' theirs at home It worked out well... we had lots of people commenting on them on the route... it helped us find each other... and yes, our team got its picture taken this year... in fact, if you go to the Ride homepage and click on tab #4, that's four of my team members, including my captains Liz (holding one of the mascots) and Dr. Igor Jurisica (on her left) who is also one of the leading researchers at the Ontario Cancer Institute.
So, I say... bring on the decorated motorcycles for RTCC 2011!!! The serious bikers may wonder what on earth you are up to, but you will put big smiles on the faces of the recreational bikers I loved checking out the van decorations as they passed me by... it's something different to look at, which is helpful when you are grinding it up some of those lovely hills (every year I tell myself... I need to do more hill training next year!).
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011
Here is link to the Ride to Conquer Cancer homepage... in case you want to take a look... just click on the grey button with the "4" on it that appears right under the "$50":
And you can go ahead and do your registration too... so you can be on the motosafety team again
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011
hmmmm.... maybe I should crew next year for the ride. I'd love to try it but don't think I can ride that far. But crewing would be a nice way to give back....
Crewing is awesome! This will be my second year crewing for the weekend, and I am so excited... I can hardly wait
It was the amazing experiences that I had with so many different crew members who support the Ride to Conquer Cancer that motivated me to sign up to crew for the Weekend. I was just so impressed with the way that they looked after us so well on the ride that I just wanted to be able to do the same for the walkers. It really is a terrific experience, and an interesting peek at all the complex planning and orchestration that goes into putting on an event such as this one.
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011