I was a crew member for 2009. I was also truck driver. I was responsible for making sure supplies got to destination. I had lots of fun doing it. Amazing how many cars move out of the way when I was coming down the road. It was awesome working with the crew, wonder team. It was awesome seeing all the walkers. I was suppose to be DJ had no power supply for my equiptment. Next time I will be sure to have power supply so I can entertain walkers and crew. I deeply appologize for that.
My crew captain thinks I took out a couple of squarrals nest as I was driving down some side streets, I could not avoid the low hanging branches.
I was totally excited juring the event, I was really pumped up. Second day serving lunch we had a good system going. I was dead beat tired at the end. Driving, unloading, serving lunch, then loading the truck again. Meeting new people, and even making a friend or two. I am already signed up for 2010 event. I am signed up for walking, I will again sign up for crew to be the truck driver again. I might try walking. Walking is one of my hobbies, along with bike riding.
A big THANK YOU to all crew members, you are AWESOME!!! I have done both, and I can tell you that crewing is a lot harder. We couldn't do this walk without you. Thanks.