I remembered this morning because I went to see if my 2010 page was up and running (clearly I knew it wouldn't be but I couldn't help but look).
This weekend was wonderful with the weather - but yes, it was hot and I don't know if I stopped sweating!! haha I am just happy it wasn't raining (This is the first year that I walked where I wasn't wearing a poncho).
How many of you who walked last year and didn't bother with your poncho on Day 2, because it 'was not supposed to rain', carried one both days this year, just in case??
You know that is why it didn't rain....I had my poncho with me both days.
I actually packed mine on Day 1 but then after getting my 2010 shirt, I took the poncho and shirt to my car. Then on day 2, i didn't even bother packing one - brave, I know.
Aha....that is why those grey clouds rolled in around noon on Day 2....cause you didn't have your poncho, Ashley.
They reminded me of last year though....the worst part of the entire walk last year was at that park, at lunch, soaking wet, in the pouring rain, with a disintegrating paper bag lunch in my hand, and no where to go with it.
Oh Donna, that made me laugh!! I HATED day two of last year... i felt soo small and worthless with that disintegrating paper bag in my hand.
I'm not going to lie, I remember throwing out my poncho (at lunch) day 1 of last year and then it poured the rest of the weekend - it's a curse!! (and i'm sorry) haha
lunch last year was SO miserable! There was no way I wasn't carrying my poncho. And I had my SO on standby this weekend so I could eat in his car if it happened again, haha.
I always have two ponchos every year. I carry one on day 1 and if I have to use it, then I have the second packed in my overnight bag at camp. Last year I obviously used both ponchos. And you're right, lunch on Sunday last year was horrible!!!! Trying to keep the sandwich dry as you ate it. This year I had the poncho in my waist pack, but tossed it in my parents car as soon as I saw them driving around. Day 2 I only thought for a minute and said forgt it, it's not going to rain. It takes up too much space in my waist pouch, so for the first time ever, I didn't bother carrying it around. Then I saw those dark clouds pull in on Sunday. I was a little worried, and wondered if it did rain, how wet would I get before I saw my parents' car that had my day 1 poncho in it. lol
The heat got a bit much at times, and I have a huge burn on my neck and down the front, but I would completely take the hot weather over the rain!!!!
Team: The Travelling Ta-Tas
2011 will be my sixth year walking, but it will be Ottawa this year.
It will take a few days for the volunteers in the Walk office to get our registration forms entered into the system. They have to work really hard over the Weekend, supporting us in our walk, so they usually get at least today off to rest up.
So just check the 2010 web page every day or so, and very soon, your personal page will be there.
Thank you, volunteers....we appreciate all of your work.
My page is up...I recieved the notification about half hour ago...wow they are fast this year!!!!
I never thought of making the old one private! great idea
OK...call me the poncho lady...but I was freaking out on Sunday when all the clouds came in during the morning...do you think I had one one me...I did NOT! LOL!!! I also remember last year :(
Well last year, I had a couple of people donate to me, and instead donating on my 2009 page, they donated to my old, 2008 page....THEN someone on the message board told me that I could make my 2008 page private (not searchable) and so if someone wanted to donated to me, they could only view my new 2009 page.
FABULOUS! My donation page was up and running this afternoon so I added a link to my facebook page and I'm happy to report that I already received my first donation - $50.