This is Karen from Walking for the Breast Reason... some of you may remember me from the 2007 message boards when I was participating in all 7 Canadian walks.
It's been along time since I came on the message boards, so long in fact I couldn't remember my password, and had to sign on as a different person because it wouldn't send me my password lol
Anyhow... I just wanted to wish everyone good luck for this weekend's walk... and hope you don't get too many blisters or muscle cramps!!! The masseurs and medical crew are great so make sure you go and see them if you do!
Hopefully, I will get to see some familiar faces from past walks along the route and will get to meet some new people along the way.
I will be all in PINK... now there's a surprise... on Saturday, wearing a HOT PINK bra on the outside!!! So before to say hi if you see me!