Wondering if anyone out there knows the approximate cost of a B-B-Q fundraiser? I am looking at doing one in front of the Maytag Store and I need to find out how much it would cost for meat... or if there is anyway of getting it for free somewhere...
My friend had a BBQ at work, but not a fundraiser. Here's what she had to say:
"Yes it was M&M's... it was $400 for i believe 200 servings-- however that is only the meat (hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers) they provide ketchup, relish mustard-- we had to provide extra condiments as well as buns for the meat and any napkins and plates and drinks... they do however come with their own BBQ and set up and clean up that stuff.... It was good for us.. $400 is the minimum amount that they will come for.... not sure how that would be logistically for doing a fundraiser... but thats the info..."
Yeah, but I don't know how that would work for a fundraiser.
As for the BBQ: Write M&Ms and ask if they will supply some (if not all) of the meat. (I know my friend did a BBQ and got her meat supplied by M&Ms). Try writing Loblaws (and other grocery stores) and asking if they would help you as well. You never know what you'll get, unless you ask.