Knights of Columbus Hall 2400 Industrial Street Burlington
What's It All About?
All auction items are numbered and listed and everyone receives a list upon entering. Auctioning is as follows - the item is shown around the room, if you want to bid on the item you raise your hand, the auctioneer will then start pointing to one person (someone with their hand up) at a time and give them a number starting at 1, when the auctioneer gives you a number you right that number down on your list beside the corresponding auction item number and you put $1 in the basket which is in the middle of the table. You can bid more than once on any item, just repeat the process and you will get another number and it will be another $1. When the bidding is completed on the item, a number is drawn from a bucket, if your number is drawn you win the auction.
This makes for great potential of going home with a great item worth well more than $1.