Hi there, I am certainly no expert as this is only my second year, but our first year we did the pink ribbons as thank yous for donations and we had some very successful tag days. Good Luck!
Hi Check out the March 12 post for tag days it gives you the info about them. Depends where you live if you can just go to lcbo but you will find add on other post
I also just got a couple of tag days at LCBO. I can't believe how busy they are - I have a date in Aug and I have to drive 1 hr into Toronto for it as there was absolutely nothing in my area!!!! Which is fine but I was quite surprised as I never see anyone at our LCBO - maybe each location only has a few dates so that they don't have one every weekend
But I was also wondering about this. I have heard for Walmart you can set up a table and have some items in exchange for donation - can this be done at the LCBO as well?
I've done a number of tag days with LCBO and have always put out a table with a posters taped to the sides, and a donation jar on top. Usually have some informative materials on it as well. My personal opinion is that, at the LCBO at least, I seem to make roughly the same amount of money with or without items for sale. I always offer everyone a pink ribbon. Because I have some leftover items for sale, I will put out a few pins and silicon bracelets and offer them to people who donate $5 or more. The most important thing at a tag day, I find, is to make eye contact with as many people coming into the store as possible and ask them if they would like a pink ribbon to help fight cancer. I'm always amazed at how many people would have just walked by if I hadn't spoken to them....and then they put a five dollar bill in the donation jar. Oh, yes....decide whether you are going to ask people going into the store or out, but not both....otherwise, if you memory is short, like mine, you annoy people by asking them twice.
Thanks Walker1 ! I think I will just make some pink ribbons then. I got my letter yesterday. I was suprised there was no times listed on it. I guess I have to contact the store. Also, it states that you have to set up outside the store, if it rains, I guess it is up to the manager if they will let you stand at the door way?
forgive my newness to this but can someone please tell me what exactly you mean by "a pink ribbon"? Is it something you wear, hang, magnetic or what? And, is it something you make yourself? (and if so, how?)
we've got an lcbo tag day booked and were going to go with homemade pink ribbon chocolates but maybe we should have some other ribbons too?
i do have those thinkpinkdirect "walkers pricelists" but, as we're at a smaller lcbo and have no clue how much traffic we'll get, we were hoping to minimize our overhead. (no point spending more than you'll make right?)
anyone made their own PINK stuff that went over well?
Is there anyone in Toronto who has booked a 'tag day' at the LCBO who would be interested in switching dates with me? I was given June 12th at the Queen's Quay LCBO, but unfortunately my friend (who I am walking with) is getting married that day. If you have a date that you could switch with us, please respond to this post.
I live near a small town, with a small LCBO, but my daughter and I did a tag day last summer on the Saturday of a long weekend. We raised over $1100 that day. We had lots of pink ribbons from thinkpinkdirect.ca and we ran out of silicon bracelets, which we gave out for donations of $5 or more. We had people handing us $20 bills alot too. Lots of stories from survivors that put tears in our eyes and stories from those currently in the battle too. It was a very emotional day, so worth the time we put in.
the pre-made pink ribbon with the safety pin already attached come in bags of 100 -for 100 they are $10 -for 300 they are $25 -for 500 they are $40 Easy, no hassle, and save yourself tons of time.
The minimums for the items on the site to lower pricing are very reasonable. You can always get more if you need. There is no minimum purchase, so if a pack of ribbons is all you need, no problem.
The best part is, the proceeds from the site stay right here and are donated back to PMH and WEWC as well as other cancer causes I'm involved with. I am a 8th year walker, and I started the site 7 years ago as a way of raising more money and helping others do the same. Collectively we can all raise more!
so if you want a price list, just email me to rmellon@rogers.com Remember the site is for everyone, if you're looking for a great gift, then you're at the right place, need fundraising items, you're at the right place to.
Look forward to hearing from you Randy www.thinkpinkdirect.com