I will be having a tag day on Valentine's Day, February 14 at Food Basics on Dougall. Will be there from 9am to approximately 5pm. Anyone in the area that is interesting in seeing the types of goodies that are available, pop on in and say HI.
This is my first year doing the walk and I'm just trying to get some advice on doing tag days. I have one booked at Walmart in MArch and one at the LCBO in July. I don't want to just stand there asking for donations I want to be able to offer something but I'm not sure what.
What kind of "goodies" will you be having at your tag day. I'm lost and could use some ideas.
There is a web site thinkpinkdirect.com run by Randy Mellon. If you go to her site and email her she will email you a walkers price list which is less that you see on her site. She does this to help us walkers reach our goal.
I do have goodies from Randy Mellon. Also very busy with my crafts. Have many items which I have made from scratch. Everything from bead work right up to plastic canvas items. Everything will go for donations.