It's October and as most of you already know, this is Breast Cancer awareness month. There is still time to make the most out of this month and host a fundraising event.
Go out and book a tag day; have a bake/book sale at your work; have a paid jeans day at your office; have a fundraising party - tupperware, candle party, etc.; bottle drive and so on.
Ashley...... how are ya Girlfriend? Laughing Actually ...I started in sept. as soon as I came back from the walk.LOL With $4 walkers on my team with year & a $10,000 goal...I decided there was no time like now to get started and NO TIME to waste.IVe already done 1 Farmers Market, & 3 tagdays.(1 @ work & 2 @ Sobeys) I have 2 more booked at Sobeys in Nov. and Im hoping that I can also do a BBQ there at some point. We also have as a team an event coming up in on Dec 6th... PRETTY n PINK Christmas Party . Im now on the hunt for door /raffle prizes and am selling tickets for this..pray this is a huge success. Im once again using the T-Bones Grill HOuse...and we hoping for a great turn out...hoping to sell at least 150 tickets ...and 200 at themost. Anyway... happy fundraising my friend.. Hugs for a great fundraising year. Landis (team Captain of THe Boobie Doobie Doos)
Because I CAN!"
I walk with COURAGE,FAITH & HOPE for a brighter future. ONE that will someday be CANCER FREE!"