Oh, wow...this is so amazing...it's worth becoming a veteran just to share the news. The Montreal Ride is really a Quebec Ride...they are actually riding from Montreal to Quebec City. The Vancouver Ride is from Vancouver to Seattle. And....this is most awesome....the Alberta one is "cycling along the majestic Canadian Rockies".
(It makes me want to run out and buy a new, lighter bike).
Seeing how this years Toronto WEBC numbers were so much lower than usual, I wonder if they will only decline with all the variety of walks and rides available ?!
I am sooooo disappointed that they have set up the Quebec and Ontario Rides for the same weekend....I was all set to do some extra fundraising, throw my bike in the car and do the Quebec Ride, until I saw the dates.
Unlike Chad, I will not attempt two bike rides in one weekend!!!
Well, you've given me hope. The www.conquercancer.ca site still says June 12 - 14. Hope the site you looked at reflects the correct date....that would be an amazing ride.
Here is the article that I found announcing The New Cities that will be participating in Next years Ride.
Major Cities Across Canada Launch Ride To Conquer Cancer
TORONTO, Oct. 22 /CNW/ - Following the extraordinary success of the inaugural 2008 Ride To Conquer Cancer in Toronto, the cycling fundraiser has now expanded to include three more of Canada's most appealing locations. Host cities of this extraordinary event now include Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal.
The Ride To Conquer Cancer is a 200km cycling event to raise money for research and ultimately, to conquer cancer in our lifetime. On the basis of current incidence rates, almost 40% of Canadian women and almost 45% of Canadian men will develop cancer during their lifetimes, so this pan-Canadian event is rightly viewed as a call to action.
The Toronto Ride To Conquer Cancer, now entering its second year, begins the morning of Saturday, June 12, 2009 and ends in scenic Niagara Falls the following day. Riders in British Columbia will travel from Vancouver to Seattle June 20-21, with money raised benefiting the BC Cancer Foundation. The Alberta edition, benefiting the Alberta Cancer Foundation, leaves from Calgary on June 27 and the route goes along the Rocky Mountains, finishing on the 28th. From July 11 to 12, riders will pedal from Montreal to Quebec City to benefit The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Foundation.
Paul Alofs, President & CEO of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, was immensely pleased that the success of the inaugural Ride To Conquer Cancer in Toronto has now been shared with other Canadian cities in the battle to conquer cancer. "Being able to offer The Ride To Conquer Cancer to other major centres makes all of us at The Princess Margaret Hospital very proud. It is a big, bold event with a big, bold aim - to conquer this disease once and for all - and we are very pleased that Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal are joining Toronto in this life-changing event."
Premier Gordon Campbell of British Columbia urged people to register for this event. "Cancer affects each and every one of us, whether it is a family member, a friend or a neighbour, and The Ride to Conquer Cancer is another step we can take towards providing funds for world-class research here in B.C.," said Premier Campbell. "I want to thank the BC Cancer Foundation and everyone committed to this tremendous event that is sure to raise awareness about what we can all do to fight this disease. I encourage people to register and participate in the Ride to Conquer Cancer."
On hand at the Calgary launch event was Lori-Ann Muenzer. Canada's first Olympic gold medalist in cycling from the 2004 Olympic Games voiced her pleasure, stating, "The Ride to Conquer Cancer is a terrific concept because it's for cyclists of all abilities. While 200 kms may seem like a long way, anyone can do it with the right motivation, a bike and a helmet. I am so proud to endorse and support this event and hope that many others - even those who are not serious cyclists - will join me on this amazing ride."
Olympic silver medalist and former Tour de France leader Steve Bauer was on hand for today's Toronto launch, and stated, "The Ride is a great thing because it is an event for everyone. With some training, anyone can do it. And as a bonus, participants finish their journey in Niagara Falls, one of Canada's most beautiful destinations. I am pleased to be an ambassador for this amazing event and look forward to riding with participants June 12 and 13 from Toronto."
Myer Bick, President and CEO of the Jewish General Hospital Foundation, expressed his pleasure at this amazing event. "Hosting the Ride to Conquer Cancer in Montreal is thrilling. It is a bold event with a bold aim - to conquer this disease once and for all. We are pleased that other cities are joining the fight and that people across the country will be able to take part in this life-changing journey."
Registration for The Ride To Conquer Cancer benefiting The Campbell Family Institute at The Princess Margaret, the BC Cancer Foundation, the Alberta Cancer Foundation and the Segal Cancer Centre at the Jewish General Hospital is now open. Call 877-699-BIKE or visit www.conquercancer.ca to sign-up today.
On Wednesday, October 22, The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation proudly announced the national launch of its Ride To Conquer Cancer. The event took place in front of the Campbell Family Institute for Cancer Research at The Princess Margaret in Toronto. Dr. Jonathan Irish, Chief of Surgical Oncology at The Princess Margaret, stated his pleasure at the addition of Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal to Toronto's two-day, 200 km. event, which last year, raised $14 million. Funds raised go to cancer research. Paul Alofs, President & CEO of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, looks on. (CNW Group/The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation).
The national launch of the Ride To Conquer Cancer took place in front of the Campbell Family Institute for Cancer Research at The Princess Margaret in Toronto on Wednesday, October 22. Featured speakers included (left to right) Dr. Jonathan Irish, Chief of Surgical Oncology at The Princess Margaret, Paul Alofs, President & CEO of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, Ride co-chair Kevin Sullivan, CEO of GMP Capital Trust, Chinyere Eni, a Rider and cancer survivor, and Steve Bauer, Olympic silver medalist in cycling at the 1988 Summer Games. The two-day, 200 km. event will be staged in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal in 2009. (CNW Group/The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation)
-- Edited by Jo at 17:08, 2008-10-24
-- Edited by Jo at 17:46, 2008-10-24
Joanne Debicki-Meta Harold's Harem & Walkers on Bikes
Just checked the regular Ride site, and it now indicates the July dates for the Quebec Ride.....I'll be signing up for that one. Thanks again for your info....I probably would not have gone back to check without it.
Thanks to you, I am now registered for the Quebec Ride....not many signed up so far, but I'm sure numbers will increase dramatically once they start advertising it.
We did very well at Sam's in Cambridge....it was worth the short drive from Mississauga - except when we encountered a traffic jam on the first Saturday due to a nasty accident on the 401. The 40 minute trip turned into a 2 hour and 40 minute trip. Taught me to always check 680 radio for traffic BEFORE getting on the highway.
The fundraising went really well. It was a completely different environment than fundraising in Toronto or the Durham region - I guess there aren't as many people fundraising for WEBC out here. So all in all it really made a dent into my 2009 fundraising.
I'll have to remember doing things out here, in London, for future fundraising events :)