Hello: For the 2008 walk, I was on the sidelines to cheer on my daughter. I was so inspired by the women and men walking, that 2009 will be my first walk. I have big plans for this event, so stay tuned. What I would like to know at this time is, if someone wants to make a donation to your team, how or whom is the cheque made out to, and how would you credit all members of the team with a portion of that donation, or can it even be done ?
You would need to have the cheque made out to you. You could then use your own credit card and split the money up for each team member. If the cheque is made out to the Weekend, it would only go to one team member, the Weekend office cannot split a cheque up. The other option would be to have the person give cash or use their own credit card to sponsor each member of the team. If they give cash, each member can put the cash onto their own credit card and then use their credit card to post the donation.
Jennie mentioned some great ideas. Your sponsor can also donate to the team via your team site - if they will be willing to use their credit card online.
Wow. So yesterday I logged into my 2008 account just to see if the 2008 pictures were posted and I realized I had another donation on my 2008 account. I sent in a cheque at the end of JULY to be processed and only YESTERDAY was it applied on my account.
(and to tell you the truth, I completely forgot about this donation because it took so long).
Does that mean that if they donate to the team website, it will get split, equally to everyone on the team ? Sorry, if I seem a little thick, lol, just trying to get my head around this.
Yes, if you get a donation on your team page, it will go towards your whole team. I've never had this done before so I can only guess that it does get split between each member.
Maybe someone else can answer this if they've experienced it before.
I don't think that team donations are split. I'm not even sure if it goes to a specific person to add to their fund because if you look at the team progress page after you log in, there is a section for team gifts below the individual list. I would discourage friends from making team gifts, because they will not help your individual fundraising.
I'm sure somebody will correct me if I am mistaken.
Thanks again, looks like to ensure everyone meets their individual goals, we need to make cheques payable to me, so I can split the amount equally among team members,