We are all pumped and ready to go!!! Sounds like everyone has their themes and is working very hard to make the vans fun. If you are interested or are a sweep member a group page has been started on facebook "WEWC 2010 TORONTO SWEEP". Let's get rolling!!!!!!!
Thank you for all you do for the walkers. I know you've heard it before but we truly couldn't do it without you and all the other wonderful volunteers.
It wouldn't be as easy if we didn't have the motorcycle crew to help with the intersections, to make sure are walkers get from one side to the other without getting hurt. But really hats off to everyone, the crew for working so hard and making it fun and to the walkers for going that distance in all kinds of weather
Don't know if I mentioned it before, but CREW ROCKS!!!! It's also great fun to see familiar faces from previous years still working to keep us safe and happy. Speaking from experience, walking is easy compared to the hard work and long hours the crew puts in. Couldn't do it without you!!