Hi to all involved in this years Weekend to End Women's Cancers Walk. I am sure a lot of you have seen the video "These boots are made for walking on women's cancers". It would be great if you would hit on the site again and also pass it on to all on your mailing list and request they too pass it on etc. To all who have not viewed the video as yet, please go to YouTube music videos, type in "These boots are made for walking on Women's Cancers" in the search box, and voila (!) watch and enjoy. Veronica, the amazing talented star of the video, worked so hard and deligently on bringing the video to fruition. Fate, karma, serendipity and Veronica's commitment to the cause has certainly warmed the hearts of all of us. Come on Toronto/Canada/World, let's get more hits on the site. The count, as of today, stands at 18,815 views. Let's bump it up big time! See you all in September. Take care, Mo.
Also, there is a website called winavote.com that will donate up to $20,000 to a winning Canadian charity and we would like you to vote for The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation! Go to http://www.winavote.com/vote.php to vote for PMHF as many times as you can (once per day) and let your family and friends know about both the video and the contest. Thanks!
Christine Anderson The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation christine.anderson@pmhf.ca
I saw that a few weeks back... it is a great video!
Weekend to End Women's Cancers - Crew Member - Camp Concierge 2009 and Caboose 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer - Rider - 2008, 2009, 2010 and registered for 2011