This was my first time walking and regardless of any physical pain I feel today - it was an incredible experience for me and one of those things that I know I will be proud of for a lifetime.
I did find I was absolutely exhausted during the walk much more than anticipated and could barely find energy to pull out my camera to capture some of those amazing supporters that we saw along the way. Some of those memories are the signs that said 'You saved my mom' , "Diagnosed 5 months ago, Thank you' , the giant pink quilt at the house handing out beer, etc. I would love to have pictures of some of moments, anyone have pictures posted somewhere they'd be willing to share or email to me???
There are all kinds of pictures on Facebook right now, and I did see one of that sign. If you want to add me as a friend, you can find me as Randy Silver Mellon then you can click on some of the posted pictures on my page.
Edwin (the most wonderful photographer for WEBC) will be posting the official pictures sometimes towards the end of the week.
strange, I didn't think I had that? can I add you? there are so many pics to go through, there are others you might want. you can send me an email to if you don't want to post it here.
Sandra, I sent you a FB add as well, I have a ton of pics that you can help yourself to. I am also the captain of the Butterfly of Hope teams across Canada. We are walking for Chad next year as he wages his own battle. Consider joining the team if you are walking again!
Chad's Shadow Team: Butterfly of Hope 2010 Walking in all 6 cities.
I felt the same way on Sunday. I did take some picturs but not as many as I would have liked. I would love to see the pictures other people took too. Is anyone posting the pictures to the Weekend FB page?
Chad has given so much to this walk over the years, it is perfect that you guys walk for him, as he has walked for so many. I was very saddened to see Chad with the pink shirt at closing ceremonies, I was hoping that it was given to him as on "honorary" thing, given his own loses and commitment to the cause. It is good to know that he is so involved in this huge support network. Great picture you have posted here!
The picture was taken on day one at one of the pit stops in the early afternoon. I wonder what the count was by the end of the weekend?! I don't mind sending the picture to you at all. You should be getting it soon.
When you're logged into facebook and looking at any given album (not a picture within an album but the album itself) there is a public link at the bottom of the page, right under where it says "Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: "