This is my 5th year walking but the first year I've used the message boards. I think they are great!! I've received some great advice and been able to share some ideas with others.
I hope I meet up with some of you over the weekend, especially on Saturday night. I'm a solo walker and always end up solo at dinner.
I know it's going to be another great weekend. Good walking to all!
One way we have used in the past to identify ourselves as someone who uses the message board is to wear a green ribbon somewhere, or everywhere, this weekend. When you see the green ribbon you can introduce yourself and meet the friends made on message boards. So, if you wish, wear a green ribbon! I'll be wearing mine. Hope to see you this weekend. Have fun!!
I agree. The message boards are a great way to learn and to teach others about the 'ways' of the weekend to end. It also is a great way to meet people - I know for myself, my screen name is my actual name so when I register for anything related to the Weekend and the Ride, right away people are like "I KNOW YOU!!" haha So I would suggest to everyone who doesn't have their name as their screen name, change it! It's a great way for us to get familiar with your name so when we do hear it, we know to come and say hello. I love the message boards (as you all already know), I just think it's a great tool for everyone and for everything. I am a little saddened that with the new message boards (the one we're using now) less people are using it, but I am hoping more and more people will sign up as they continue to enrol in the weekend
So for all of us who do use the boards, wear your green ribbon so others can come up to you and say hello - put a face to the screen name :)
I'll have mine on as well!! Hope to see you there somewhere Ashley - is your mom still enjoying the cd's?? LOL Hoping to run into Landis as well, and wil be on the lookout for Chad!! He's my hero!! :)
Check your Christmas/gift wrap for green ribbon and don't forget to look down at people's shoes for the green ribbon - a lot of us just tie it to our shoes.
Cheryl - She loves the CDs... she took them to the cottage and rocks out to them every weekend!! haha
Ashley, good idea about looking down at the shoes! Maybe I'll tie green ribbon on them too. You can never have too much pink or too much green! Hope to see you soon!