Hi Everyone- I am currently training to do the walk next month and breastfeeding my baby (7mths). My concern is managing engorgement and feeding schedules during the journey. Does anyone have any advice and are there other mom's with the same delima? I am planning on pumping to leave bottles for hubby to feed baby but am not sure how to manage the engorgement and the fact that I will be attending the 2 day event? Any ideas, please?
I haven't done it, and my nursling is not quite as dependant as a 7 month old. But now that you mention in, I might pack my manual pump in my gear to help ease some discomfort in the evening should it occur. Could you do the same? Or perhaps hand express?
Is there a way that your hubby could meet you at some of the pits stops or the cheering stations? Maybe if you called and explained your situation they could tell you where some of these stops are or where lunch is?
Hi Jennifer - I was nursing my 7-month old during last year's walk. I did have my angelic mother-in-law shuttle my daughter to me at lunch, then my husband met me at camp. I personally had some discomfort on the Sunday morning, since my husband wasn't meeting me again until lunch. I would definitely pack your manual pump, if you have one. You will have a much more comfortable Day Two!
Hi Jennifer - I was nursing my 7-month old during last year's walk. I did have my angelic mother-in-law shuttle my daughter to me at lunch, then my husband met me at camp. I personally had some discomfort on the Sunday morning, since my husband wasn't meeting me again until lunch. I would definitely pack your manual pump, if you have one. You will have a much more comfortable Day Two!
Best of luck!! Sandra.
Hi Sandra The pump is a good idea but I suck at using it and don't wish to carry much around plus where am I going to use it? I will need to get small manual one I think. I am curious to know if you spent the night in their tents? As much as I'd like to, I am thinking of not doing this so that our baby nurses at night and morning to help with engorgement.
Follow-up: I did not spend the night there. My husband supported our little one and I by meeting me enroute at several of the pit stops and at the finishes. My energy levels were tricky but we had a great time overall and it was sweet watching my husband and little one admired by all the women of the event. They had lotsa of fun and I was so proud to see them greet me at the finish! There isn't privacy during the walk to nurse babies so bring a shawl with you and make sure you drink lots of water. I am pleased to advise that this event is do-able if you are nursing. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions! jenniwrenn@hotmail.com