Hey all... Been a while since I Posted here @ the MSG BOARDS, but I've been busy getting a fundraiser for Dec.6th together and doing tag days @ SOBEYS & the WHEELS INN.. But I wanted to let every know about the event here in Chatham. Maybe you have friends or Family in the area that may be interested in an evening out. So heres the flyer with all the details etc. There are a few itema up for raffle...in cluding a beautiful smaller white crocheted round table cloth that my aunt has once again graciously made & doanted especially for the event. If anyone is interested and would like tickets as in the past.... Tickets are: 1 for $2 & 3 for $5... just let me know YOu can email me @ landis.gardner@gmail.com for details. Hugs and best wishes for the up and coming Holiday season thats fast approching us. Happy Fundraising to all. Landis (Team Captain of The BOOBIE DOOBIE DOOS) "WHY do I WALK?
Because I CAN!"
I walk with COURAGE,FAITH & HOPE for a brighter future. ONE that will someday be CANCER FREE!"