I just read the article in "MORE" magazine.( http://www.more.ca/work-and-money/finances/where-do-pink-dollars-go/a/2001 ) Here is the ending quote: "Perhaps organizers will find space for a similar disclaimer, acknowledging that approximately a quarter to almost half of every dollar raised goes to the overhead costs of making this not just a fundraiser, but an experience of a lifetime. " I acknoweldge that it costs to hold such an event as the Weekend to End Breast Cancer but this seems over the top. I know that the office moniters this site...Please direct us to a site to see where the money raised and how much of it went to the cause and how much went to the people/companies who ran it. I have registered for a 3rd year and am 100% in...But at this stage need to know where the dollars are going.
My understanding is that the overhead costs vary depending on the numbers of walkers....I've heard for our Toronto walk roughly 75% of our fundraising goes to Princess Margaret. I believe this is considered to be a pretty good ratio in the fundraising world. But this would explain why a walk in a city like Halifax, with far fewer (albeit just as enthusiastic) walkers, would not be considered as beneficial an event.
Still, it would be nice to see an update on how 'our' monies are distributed.
Hi Donna, I totally agree that there is overhead in putting on a fantastic event like this one. I'm a bit surprised that no one fron the "office" has responded and hope that there is a response in the near future. I really don't mind supporting a cause but would like up front info as to how the money is distributed.
Actually, I got a bit of a chuckle because a day or two after you raised the question on this site I received the "Conquer Cancer in Our Lifetime" 2008 report to our donors. I expect you must have received it as well? I thought that it was remarkable that they happened to send out this report at about the same time as you asked your question.
The document has their statement of Revenue, Expenditure and Grants. which shows Net Revenue for WEBC of $12,966 for 2008. They also show revenue for Fundraising, Lotteries and Investments. The overhead expenses are 9.2% of net revenue, but for all the sources, not just the WEBC.
So it still would be nice to receive an answer to your question. Perhaps and email to one of the WEBC coaches would help?