Being as I am new to this fundraising as of 2008, can someone please tell me what a "tag Day" is?? I hear people talking about them but don't really know what you actually do.
Thanks for clearing this up for me, I had assumed it was that but was not sure. Do you find that you get a good response from people by doing this?? I do have some letters into the Walmart here in Brantford to setup a table, but it has to go before a charity committee I have been told. Again, thank you for your response in confirming this for me.
It all depends on the location, the time of year, the time of day, the weather, the people, where the company places you, what you're allowed to bring, what you are allowed to do etc. etc. etc.
If you haven't already done so, call the office for a participation letter because that is always good to attach to your request for a tag day.
And good luck!!!
OH! P.S don't be shy to ask for a matched donation for the funds you raise - especially to Walmart companies...if they cannot MATCH they might be able to give you a little extra money, it all depends on what they have left in their funds :)
I guess I will just have to see how it goes, I did have a garage sale last weekend and managed to raise $240, so I am off to a good start so far. Take care everyone, talk to you all later.
Oh that's awesome. Garage sales are a great way to raise money and clean out the house. My teammate and myself did one last year on two different weekends and we raised over $1000.
It can be a great addition to your fundraising goal :)
Great job with starting your fundraising so early too!!