Buy proper shoes (two pair) and have them fitted by a reputable store...I've heard a lot of postive feedback regarding Running Room. I have mine fitted at Bioped...but that's because I get my orthotics there.
Walk, walk, walk.....and make sure you are walking on sidewalks a large portion of the time...not just on trails. Walking on cement is a lot harder on your feet and joints than on softer asphalt or gravel trails.
Hi I have walked 3 years now and have only had 1 pair of shoes each year without problem. The cost of walking alone is quite a bit and I for one can't afford 2 pairs at the prices. So far 1 pair has been enough and I have no problems so far.
You're right, it really is a personal decision as to what works best for each walker. It's probably better to buy one really good pair of shoes, than two pairs of lesser quality.
I'm just super paranoid about my feet, having suffered from plantar faciitis twice (did my fundraising but was not able to walk one year). So I kind of go overboard trying to make sure I treat my feet as carefully as possible.
I've bought shoes from a store in Streetsville (near Mississauga) called The Long Run. The owner is awesome. He puts different shoes on each foot and sends you around the block for a test run. You keep trying different shoes until you find what works. He also lets you bring them back it for some reason they don't work out when you bring them home. I've walked for two years now and never had any blisters or much discomfort (nobody walks 60K without some discomfort :) The address is: 257 Queen Street South in Streetsville, Ontario.
I walked in a pair of adistars by adidas. They had about 200 miles on them when I walked and they were great. I agree with a previous post, better a good pair of shoes than two inexpensive pairs.. Have between 150-200 miles on them before a walk of this distance.
I bought two pairs of socks and changed them at lunch. I vaselined and baby powdered my feet before putting on the new socks.
Next year I will bring flip flops for the change out at the red carpet...
This year was the first year I went to the running room and bought "good" shoes and it really makes a difference. I always get blisters but this time, they weren't blood blisters (only water ?) and after coming home and taking care of them, they went away pretty quickly.
I think the biggest thing to do in prep for this walk, is actually getting out there and WALKING. Having warmed your body up for walking 60 kms is VERY MUCH NEEDED! Even though we do walk daily...the walking we do to the corner store is nothing compared to what we put our bodies through with the 60 + km walk.
This is the first year I've reallllly listened to my body, the pains, the aches and the hot spots and it REALLY helped me get through the walk and the 'recovery' of the walk.